
Ninja training - ninja warrior training for kids - Physical activity for kids

Why Ninja Warrior Training is a Great Alternative to Screen Time for Kids

Ever feel like you're at battle with your children's screens all the time? You are not alone! It's a common frustration, especially nowadays, where every kid can have access to all kinds of gadgets. 

Seeing your children get overly involved in video games and devices must be irritating. The difficulty of combining screen time with healthful activities is one that parents in Melbourne and everywhere else face in a world where digital gadgets appear to have a magnetic draw on children's attention. 

Worry no more because we have a thrilling alternative that captivates young minds and fosters their physical and mental well-being: Ninja Warrior training!

The Impact of Screen Time on Kids

Australian Institutes of Family Studies mentioned in their article that:

"In Australia, screen time spent on TV, e-games, digital tablets and smartphones is a regular part of children and young people's lives. Parents report that excessive screen time is the top health concern they have for their children, and they are worried that their children spend too much time on electronic devices."

It's only normal for us to share these worries as parents and caregivers. Screens have become a vital part of our children's daily routines in today's digital world, providing many digital experiences ranging from games and social media to instructional information.

We know we will all agree with the AIFS article conclusion: "Excessive screen time can lead to poor health and developmental outcomes. Where possible, practitioners can support parents to keep their children's screen time within the recommended levels, engage in more supportive screen behaviours (such as parents and children using screens together) and encourage children to take part in other activities, such as physical activity." 

Right! Physical activity! Ninja warrior training is the perfect physical activity to distract your kids from being too attached to their screens!

Kids' Ninja Warrior Training: What Is It?

Ninja Warrior training is like a real-life adventure playground for adults and children alike. It's all about overcoming interesting obstacles, climbing, swinging, and putting your strength and wits to the test in a fun and demanding environment. Consider it a fantastic exercise activity that feels more like fun than effort!

Ninja Warrior training in Melbourne is a super exciting and unique fitness experience. It's inspired by the popular TV show 'American Ninja Warrior,' it's all about unleashing your inner ninja while getting fit and having a blast. Picture this: you can conquer a series of awesome obstacle courses designed to challenge your agility, strength, balance, and mental toughness.

Why Ninja Warrior Rocks

One of the most enjoyable things about Ninja Warrior training is that it does not seem like a conventional workout. It's more like an exciting adventure where your kids can climb, swing, and jump to victory. It's also an excellent way to gain strength, enhance coordination, and increase endurance while having fun.

Kids Ninja Warrior training provides something for everyone, whether you're searching for a fun family activity, a unique way to commemorate a special event, or a personal goal to accomplish. It's where you can get stronger, acquire confidence, and join a supportive community of other ninjas looking to get healthy and have fun!

Kids ninja warrior training

Physical and Mental Benefits of Ninja Warrior Training

Ninja Warrior training is a comprehensive adventure that provides participants with a wealth of physical and mental advantages in addition to overcoming hurdles. Let's explore these benefits to see why Ninja Warrior training has become more than just a fun activity—it's a transformative experience.

Physical Advantages

1. Improved Strength: 

Training for Ninja Warrior is similar to going to the gym but without the boredom. Children's muscles are worked when they overcome challenges that involve climbing, swinging, and raising their body weight. Strength in the upper body and the core is increased as a result. Which monkey bars? They help develop youthful muscles in addition to being enjoyable!

2. Improved Agility:

The complex difficulties of Ninja Warrior courses call for quick thinking and agile actions. Kids develop agility and coordination as they adjust to constantly changing challenges. Their reflexes are honed by leaping from shaky platforms or darting through swaying pendulums.

3. Cardiovascular Fitness 

Although Ninja Warrior training may look like fun, it works the heart. A steady pace, overcoming hurdles, and running through courses all help to increase cardiovascular fitness. It's a total-body workout that's beneficial for increasing endurance and the heart.

Better Flexibility and Balance: Top-notch balance and flexibility are necessary for manoeuvring challenging obstacles, hanging from ropes, and balancing on constrained beams. These abilities may be used in various sports and physical activities and help in Ninja Warrior training.

Mental Benefits

1. Increased Self-Assurance 

Imagine your kid successfully overcoming a difficult challenge for the first time. That feeling of success is invaluable as participants in Ninja Warrior training surpass physical challenges they once considered impossible, and their confidence and self-worth increase. This increased self-confidence carries over into daily life after the training.

2. Improved Problem-Solving Capabilities:

Ninja Warrior challenges resemble moving puzzles. To overcome these obstacles, participants must quickly strategize and adapt. This improves their problem-solving ability, encouraging innovative and critical thinking that can be used in academic and real-world contexts.

3. Resilience: 

In Ninja Warrior training, falling or failing on an obstacle is standard fare. The will to get back up and try again counts, not the fact that you fell. Children gain resilience and the importance of tenacity. They are aware that obstacles are a necessary part of the road to success.

4. Increased Patience and Focus: 

The Ninja Warrior courses need patience and attention. Children learn to assess every challenge, prepare a strategy, and wait for the ideal opportunity to make their movements. They learn important patience lessons from this and the benefits of focusing on their objectives.

Screen Time vs. Ninja Warrior Training: A Healthy Balance

Admit it. We are all in the digital age, and one of the biggest decisions we face is how to strike the right balance between screen time and active, real-world adventures like Ninja Warrior training for our kids.

It's all about finding that sweet spot where our kids can enjoy the best of both worlds, and we're here to guide you through it! 

Screen Time: 

We all know that screens are a of modern life. They're informative, amusing, and, let's face it. They can provide us parents with a well-deserved vacation! But there's a catch:

Advantages of Screen Time:

Apps for Education: With applications and programs meant to teach everything from algebra to foreign languages, some screen time may be instructive.

Entertainment: Screens provide a variety of pleasures, from cartoons and movies to interactive games.

Social Interaction: Screens help our children remain in contact with friends and family in today's connected world, especially when physical distances are involved.

Cons of Screen Time:

Sedentary Habits: Too much screen time may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, harming our children's health and fitness.

Disruption of Sleep: Late-night screen use can interfere with sleep habits, leaving our children foggy and exhausted.

Mental Well-Being: Excessive screen usage, particularly on social media, can harm our children's mental health, leading to anxiety and low self-esteem.

Ninja Warrior Training:

Now, let's talk about Ninja Warrior training. It's like a breath of fresh air in a screen-filled world. 

Advantages of Ninja Warrior Training:

Physical Fitness: 

Ninja Warrior training gets the blood flowing! It's a full-body, vigorous workout that improves strength, agility, and endurance.

Mental Agility: The obstacle courses necessitate problem-solving abilities and fast thinking, which are just as important as physical power.

Real-Life Adventure: It's as if you've stepped into a real-life video game. The thrill and difficulty are appealing to children.

Time Required: Ninja Warrior training may need devoted time in your schedule, but hey, it's time well spent!

Ninja warrior kids training in Melbourne

Striking a Balance: The Secret Sauce for Kids

Here's the secret sauce: balance. It's not about an all-out war between screens and Ninja Warrior training. It's about finding that sweet spot where they complement each other:

Quality Screen Time: 

Consider screens to be helpful instruments in your child's educational path. Use screens intelligently rather than perceiving them as opponents. Choose educational applications and materials appropriate for your child's age and interests. These may be wonderful tools for broadening knowledge, improving creativity, and even igniting a passion for studying. Remember that moderation is essential. Limit your child's screen time so that it supplements, rather than dominates, their day.

Ninja Warrior Adventures:

Ninja Warrior training is more than simply a sport; it's an experience in the making. Encourage your children to participate in this exciting real-world experience. It is about improving resilience, problem-solving abilities, and self-confidence, not just exercise. Plus, it's a lot of fun! Enrol them in a Ninja Warrior class near you, or put up a tiny obstacle course at home. Watch as they face trials, find their strengths, and return home, bragging about their recent victories.

Screen-Free Zones:

Every great recipe requires certain ingredients, and screen-free zones are no exception. Set aside particular periods or areas of your daily routine where screens are off-limits. Make the most of this chance to encourage physical activity, outdoor experiences, and family togetherness. These times generate cherished memories and foster healthy habits, whether it's a weekend trek, a friendly game of soccer, or just unplugged quality time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I motivate my kid to practice for Ninja Warrior?

Make it a family adventure! Enroll your kid in a Ninja Warrior class or build a homemade obstacle course. Focus on the enjoyment and challenge, and set an example by participating.

Are there any risks involved with Ninja Warrior training?

In Ninja Warrior training facilities, security comes first. They frequently have protective equipment, certified instructors, and cushioning in place. Selecting a trustworthy training centre is crucial.

What advantages do young people get from Ninja Warrior training?

Strength, agility, and confidence are all increased by Ninja Warrior training, which also helps to develop problem-solving abilities. Kids can stay active and acquire life skills with this fun method.

How can I control screen time when my child demands more of it?

Establish clear limits and effectively convey the rules. Offer substitutes like creative pursuits or outdoor recreation. Parental participation and consistency are essential for regulating screen time.


Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every family is different, so what works for one may not work for another. The idea is to be aware of how technology and physical activities such as Ninja Warrior training fit into the lives of your family. So, let us embrace the digital era while encouraging our children's inner explorers, creating a balance that will help them grow into healthy, well-rounded persons.

It's not about pitting screens against Ninja Warrior training but crafting an environment where they complement each other. Your child can thrive academically and creatively through screens while developing essential physical and mental skills through active adventures. It's the secret sauce to nurturing well-rounded, confident, and resilient young individuals who are ready to conquer the world digitally and physically.

Written by

Skylark Sports

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